ICO, interview October 26, 2017 Amelia Tomasicchio No comments

Hydrominer ICO: interview with the eco-mining CEO

Hydrominer is a crypto-related startup that wants to reinvent traditional digital currency mining by using new ecological solutions for the use of energy.

To do so, they decided to use hydro as it is the most productive and lowest-cost renewable energy resources in the market.  Hydro, in fact, is environmentally friendly, carbon-neutral and natural.

Today we had the pleasure to conduct an interview with Hydrominer CEO, Nadine Damblon that answered to a few questions you can read below.

When did the team start working on Hydrominer?
In 2014, Nadine and Nicole Damblon, inspired by a common friend from the US, started to mine cryptocurrencies with their home computers in Vienna and Düsseldorf. After a year of profitable mining, some friends wanted to invest in their mining business, and the mining farm grew bigger, soon outgrowing their small apartment.

What are the problems you want to address with your project?
We wanted to assure a better environment and higher profitability for the mining operations.

How your project is different compared to your competitors?
While researching the payouts of various cloud mining programs, we realized that the payouts have been very different depending on programs chosen, a start date of the contract and other factors that are unknown. This leads to a very transparent model where some customers are very pleased with the results and some are very unhappy.

Now let’s talk about the Hydrominer ICO. You are going to launch your token sale. How the funds raised will be used?
Hydro power station leasing/electrictiy: 15% Hardware: 55% Operations: 15% ICO Costs: 10% Marketing: 4% Legal: 1% BNT Reserve Fund 1%.

Hydrominer ICO received a good response from users. In fact, they raised more than 2,000 Ether (over $580,000), breaking their own pre-sale record of a 36 min sell out.
Read more about the Hydrominer token sale here.

Why should an investor consider investing in your project? What’s their chance of making profits?
With the H2O token, they will be able to unlock specific mining power. So in comparison to other ICOs, token sale participants don’t need to hope that the token will rise in value, here it will automatically be profitable as long as the mining market doesn’t get disrupted!

Are there any differences between your mining and the traditional one?
We use scalable equipment and the unique3m.com cooling technology.

Click here to read more about Hydrominer ICO and project.


Amelia Tomasicchio is a content writer and marketer of Bitcoin-related news and fintech startups. She started writing about Bitcoin in 2014 and she graduated in Rome with an essay about movie industry related to Bitcoin.

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